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Sileo value chain discussion forum: strengthening value chains for a resilient lighting & furniture industry

27 Marzo 2025

ELCA (European Lighting Cluster Alliance) organizza giovedì 10 aprile 2025, presso il Salone del Mobile Milano – padiglione 20 stand D23 Il Fanale -, il SILEO International Value Chain Forum un’approfondimento sui tipi e forme di collaborazioni in ambito businessricerca e innovazione per rafforzare e potenziare la ripresa e la resilienza delle aziende nei settori dell’illuminazione e dell’arredamento.

L’evento ospiterà la cerimonia di premiazione del concorso internazionale SILEO Best Company Storytelling Video. Durante la cerimonia le tre aziende vincitrici saranno annunciate e celebrate.



10:00 – 10:15
Welcome and presentation of the SILEO Eurocluster project
Alberto Sozza, President, ELCA European Lighting Cluster Alliance

10:15 – 10:45
DALI ALLIANCE: your gateway for innovative approach on lighting control
Paul Drosihn, General Manager, DALI Alliance

10:45 – 11:15
Making the case for lighting in the European Union political and regulatory debate
Teresa Selvaggio, Director of Public Affairs, LightingEurope

11:15 – 11:45
From Eco-Design to sustainable production: reinventing Value Chains for a lasting Future
Lorenzo Braida, Chief Executive Officer, BRAIDA SRL SB

11:45 – 12:00
Q&A session
Moderated by Alberto Sozza, President ELCA European Lighting Cluster Alliance

12:00 – 12:30
SILEO Best Company Storytelling Video Contest Award Ceremony
Announcement of the three winning SMEs of the SILEO “Best Company Storytelling Video Contest” open call:
GOLD PRIZE: S.C. E-Laborator Feeria s.r.l. (1st prize)
SILVER PRIZE: Bau-Service Grzegorz Terpiński (2nd prize)
BRONZE PRIZE: Cubin.Fur.Eco S.R.L. (3rd prize)
Marta Krakowiak, Project Manager, ELCA European Lighting Cluster Alliance

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