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Venetian Smart Lighting Award, VIII Edition

19 July 2023

The competition for creativity and reward innovation in decorative lamps, lighting fixtures and products, as well as promote companies and activities in the Veneto region


The eighth edition of the Venetian Smart Lighting Award has just ended. The competition aims to enhance the search for creativity and reward innovation in decorative lamps, lighting fixtures and products, as well as promote companies and activities in the Veneto region, helping to keep the name of Italian style high in the world. As every year, the categories have been renewed to reward the creative ability of companies to adapt to the needs of the contract sector, the design capacity for new products to be launched in the market and the ability to innovate also in the production of sustainable and high-tech products.

A special prize was awarded to lighting companies whose products or technical solutions valorise historical buildings and/or of significant cultural value. The category was inspired by the European project CULTURE LIGHTS (Erasmus+ Programme), which aims to raise awareness of building and lighting professionals on environmental and climate change challenges by developing green sector skills strategies and methodologies.

Traditionally, the Jury is renewed from year to year and is always composed of lighting designers, professionals related to the world of light, architecture, design and academics, who are able to express a plurality of points of view with competence. The award ceremony took place on 13th July, on the occasion of the gala dinner in the frame of the historic Villa Cà Marcello di Levada di Piombino Dese (Italy), one of the most beautiful examples of Venetian Villa in Palladian style dating back to the first half of the 1500s.


The products selected by the Jury as winners are:

  • VITREO, by the And Costa company in the category “Best decorative lamp for contract use”;
  • MURANO BULB, by the company Multiforme in the category “Best decorative design lamp”;
  • DIAPASON, by the company Glip by Sile in the category “Best Special Purpose Lamp”;
  • IMPERFETTO, by the company Elesi Luce in the category “Best solution made with innovative materials and/or technologies”;
  • LINEAR LIGHT FLEX BACKBONE, by the company Inventronics in the category “CULTURE LIGHTS – Lighting products and solutions for the cultural heritage”
  • ARENA DI VERONA 2023 – AIDA, by the company Hikari in the special prize “Silvano Oldani Special Prize for the best communication of the product


Thanks to Intesa San Paolo, Dali Alliance, Remix, Skeinholding, Medelhan and H03 for the valuable support in the sponsorship as well as the Associazione Professionisti dell’Illuminazione (APIL), the Associazione Nazionale Produttori Illuminazione (ASSIL) and the Associazione Italiana di Illuminazione (AIDI) for the precious patronage of the event, Italian Lighting and Compolux as Media Partners.

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