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21 September 2020

Universal Science develops and produces UVC LED modules (RED branded) and designs UV lighting systems

When we talk about the relationship between UV and COVID-19, we focus on UVC category, that include water and surface sterilization and quick and immediate medical disinfection among the possible applications. Since the COVID-19 has spread worldwide, disinfection is a constant need. In response, a lot of hospitals are turning to UV LED light as a nature’s disinfectant to sanitize rooms, equipment and even face masks. In this respect, IUVA (International Ultraviolet Association) issued a fact sheet sulla disinfezione UVC per combattere il virus COVID-19, parlando di efficacia, sicurezza e standard esistenti. Sulla base dei dati attuali sulla disinfezione e delle prove empiriche, la IUVA ritiene che le tecnologie UVC possano svolgere un ruolo importante per reduce the COVID-19 transmission. Well-known disinfectant for air, water and surfaces, it can help to mitigate the risk of acquiring an infection in contact with COVID-19 when applied correctly.

Universal Science is proud to include UV LED modules (branded with RED) development and production and UV lighting systems design among its services. They have always offered UV complete solutions related to multiple fields of applications, since they can cover a wavelength range from 275nm (UVC) to 430nm (UVA).



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