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The “WOW” factor of Vionaro V8

4 November 2022

GRASS offers One system for all living areas


The Vionaro V8 Slim Drawer System is surprisingly different and immediately catches the eye. Its exceptional look gives every piece of furniture a WOW factor. Smaller, thinner, lighter: “reduce to the max” is the design principle and aspiration for all aspects of Vionaro V8. The world’s first 8-millimetre, one-piece steeldrawer side. Breathtakingly beautiful. Monolithically designed for eternity.

For GRASS, excellent motion design means developing outstanding product solutions that inspire the best furniture designers in the world to come up with new, creative designs. This can only be achieved with technology that captivates the senses. By dispensing with the superfluous, Vionaro V8 gains a breathtaking simplicity. Its clear, monolithic form will outlast time and trends. In this respect, Vionaro V8 has everything a design classic should offer. Vionaro V8 is an immediate example of the charming lightness that can be created with a material like steel. And that same charming lightness turns your drawers into aesthetic design components.


No obtrusive grooves, frames or brackets

The design principle “reduce to the max” has rarely been implemented as consistently as with Vionaro V8. Here no corner, no edge, no groove is too much. Quite the opposite: the Slim Drawer System demonstrates an impressive and strictly geometric design with no further scope for reduction. Its quiet, spacious surfaces are not interrupted or disturbed by anything. And its architectural clarity makes the 8-millimetre drawer sides look even slimmer and even more elegant. The minimalist design drawer sides seem to embody the pursuit of “nothingness”. The new Slim Drawer System emphasises the aim of GRASS to create brand quality with masterly perfection.


Crystal clear: a stroke of genius in glass

Never amiss with glass: the 200 mm high glass drawer of the Vionaro V8 certainly ranks as one of the most ingenious inventions in GRASS’s history. The open-transparent elegance of the glass drawer derives from its patented transmission of forces that dispenses with obtrusive frames or brackets. This makes the V8 Crystal drawer the world’s first and only glass drawer with design lines running consistently – from the furniture front to the back panel. The linear division of the area has a calming effect and creates space for maximum transparency.

Brand products live by their distinctive features and their ability to be recognised. That’s what GRASS created with the exceptional positioning of the branding clip. Vionaro V8 is recognisable not only due to its unique slim design, but also because of the prominent positioning of the branding clip. For Vionaro V8, branding and its central positioning are an integral part of the drawer side design.

Up to 16% more storage space

The extremely slim design and the continuous rectangular shape ensure maximum space utilisation. The less space occupied by hardware, the more that remains for storage. Vionaro V8 provides up to 16 percent more space in the base cabinet. The Slim Drawer System creates additional storage space of up to 9 millimetres in width, up to 7 millimetres in depth and up to 20 millimetres in height. The inside dimensions of Vionaro V8 are absolutely unique. For example, the H200 box drawer in the 600 cabinet provides 48.1 x 53.6 x 17 cm of space. That equates to a storage volume of 43,800 cm³.


No compromises when it comes to robustness, quality and reliability

Vionaro V8 is a revolutionary drawer system in many aspects. In addition to its slim shape, it is above all the V8’s technical properties that make the Slim Drawer System unique. For example, the V8 is the first purely metal drawer side with all components made of steel. But not only that: the V8 drawer sides, which are up to 250 millimetres in height, are also manufactured from a single piece of steel. This one-piece solid metal concept is essential in making the monolithic, clear design language possible, in delivering maximum robustness and durability and in guaranteeing a recycling rate of almost 100%.

Vionaro V8 is manufactured on one of the most modern production lines in the world. All components are connected to each other in a fully automated process by means of laser welding technology. This high-tech assembly guarantees high-precision connections that are mechanically extremely resilient and therefore particularly durable. Which means: each Vionaro V8 drawer side is a welded unit made of steel, the stability and torsional stiffness of which set new standards. What makes the Vionaro V8 so special is the ability of the extremely slim and sleek V8 drawer to transform the enormous forces that arise when opening and closing high fronts into a smooth movement. Even fronts up to 780 mm in height present no issue at all for the system.

The idea of making everything ever more compact, smaller and thinner, and consuming fewer and fewer resources is not new. The Slim Drawer System is based on the same reasoning: how it is possible to produce a highly effective and sustainable system using less space and less material? Whether flat or transparent, the inner fronts perfectly matched to the Slim Drawer System in both shape and colour give each V8 drawer a distinctive character. With Vionaro V8, GRASS offers the perfect solution for fitting kitchen, bathroom and living room furniture with the same drawer system.

The purist, elegant design of Vionaro V8 provides the connecting link for different areas of the home. Kitchen, living room and dining areas start to become less divided. Rooms merge into an ensemble of day and night zones. Mobile communication makes it possible to read emails on the couch, research recipes in the kitchen using an app and browse a digital newspaper at the dining table. Lines have become blurred. In the past, rooms meant separation by architecture; now we distinguish between living and recreation spaces. Modern furniture must allow harmonious integration into such zones.



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