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The sixth edition of the Venetian Smart Lighting Award

8 July 2021

Back again for the 6th consecutive year, the VENETIAN SMART LIGHTING AWARD is promoted by Luce in Veneto to reward the best lighting products and solutions made by companies – members of Luce in Veneto and located in the Veneto region. After the reduced edition of 2020, from this year the categories are renewed to adapt to the evolution of the lighting sector.

The new structure aims to reward the creative ability of companies in adapting to the needs of the contract, the ability to design new products to be launched on the market, the ability to innovate even in the creation of advanced components.


The categories planned for the current year are:

  1. Best decorative lamp for contract use
  2. Best design decorative lamp
  3. Best lamp for special use
  4. Best component for Smart Lighting-Focus 3D Printing
  5. Special prize: Best Lighting application


Thanks to the collaboration with HP and Nuovamacut, the finalist companies of the contest organized for the category “Best component for smart lighting – Focus 3D printing” had the opportunity to print the candidate accessories/prototypes, thus demonstrating the potential of 3D printing also for the lighting industry. Finally, the “Special prize: best lighting application” award is intended for the companies of the 7 industrial cluster partners of the European COSME co-funded project BRILLIANT operating in the lighting, furniture and building sectors. The companies of these clusters have nominated particularly innovative lighting products/solutions for smart home, smart building or smart furniture applications.

The Jury is composed of 5 leading figures like lighting designers, professionals linked to the world of light, architecture, design, specialised press and international academic world: Susanna Antico, President of the jury, lighting design consultant involved in architectural, artistic, urban and environmental lighting projects; Federico Galluzzi, Managing Director of the Staff Editorial in Milan, the publishing house of the three magazines Italian Lighting, Compolux and CompoArredo; Alberto Bassi, Full Professor at the Iuav University of Venice, deals with history and criticism of design; Stefania Minnella, 3D Printing Application Specialist for HP Italy and Carlo Piemonte, Director of the Friuli Venezia Giulia furniture system at the Legno Arredo Casa FVG Cluster.

The award ceremony will take place, as usual, on the occasion of the annual gala dinner to be held on Thursday 15 July at the prestigious Villa Cà Marcello in Piombino Dese.

Thanks to the sponsors: HP and Nuovamacut Srl, Eurointerim Spa, Skeinholding Srl and UL Italia. The event also has the precious patronage of the Associazione Professionisti dell’Illuminazione (APIL), the Associazione Nazionale Produttori Illuminazione (ASSIL) and the Associazione Italiana di Illuminazione (AIDI).

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