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TABU presents ReThinking the Future – Anthology One Collection

13 June 2021

ReThinking the Future – Anthology One Collection is inspired by product innovation and Circularity, meant as efficiency not only in the energetic choices, but also in the rational and appropriate use or reuse of all resources during all phases of the production cycle. A path linked to eco-design and environmental sustainability, inspired by the targets of the Sustainable Development (SDGs) established by the United Nations for 2030 for industries, innovation, responsible production and climate actions.

This kind of vision leads TABU to a wise enhancement and respect for biodiversity, optimizing the use of the noble raw material exclusively chosen at FSC© certified forests and minimising the environmental impact. Rethinking the Future – Anthology One Collection by TABU stands out for its “polyphonic” soul. A powerful “musical score” in which finding in once the peculiarity of the newly rediscovered natural dyed veneers enhanced in their biodiversity, latest-generation multilaminar wood veneers created by increased optimal use of the noble raw material, industrial inlays (Graffiti Collection) and the wood surfaces destined to Skeens Tabu Boiserie.

What is most striking is maybe the clear absence of a common denominator: TABU’s choice, in its vocation of influencer, observer with an open vision of the world, and mirror of the interior design essence, is to tell a different story through each decoration. As scattered fragments, independently, every decoration has its own history, its identity, its public. This collection perfectly reflects this historical moment filled with questions on what we will be, on what we are going to become. It expresses the need to multiply the view and contact points, the explorations; and to open at each step multiple roads, to favour diversity through the design being able to host it, integrate it and make it own.

All that without losing the “Italian Touch”: the Italian house and the Italian way of living, a combination of sobriety, tradition, innate elegance, culture, beauty and openness to the world. TABU “ReThinking the Future” Collection complies with the Italian essence, as it is built upon a rich heritage of industrial tradition always interwoven with the excellence handicraft: each sheet of wood is a small technological masterpiece.


The Collection:



The Biodiversity inlays of the ReThinking The Future Collection, created with 12 wood species, were the subject of an LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) study which assessed their environmental impacts, Carbon Footprint included. The analysis of environmental indicators has shown the lower impacts of the Biodiversity inlay in relation to other decorative surfaces such as laminate and stoneware, affirming Biodiversity as a new and innovative product that makes the circular economy its competitive advantage.


Tondo Tondo, inlay winner of the Contest IDEASxWOOD

TONDO TONDO (design by Nicola da Dalto) is an industrial inlay in natural dyed veneer Tay by TABU, winner in the Students category of the IDEASxWOOD Contest by TABU: “For the simple and refined modular composition of squares and circles enhanced with contrasting nuances of the same essence to obtain a three-dimensional surface effect” says the Statement of the Jury.


Dùnamis, Ellissi, Stella Polare

Unparalleled and masterly inlays, born in collaboration with the Artist Mario Moriggi, famous inlayer, and created with metal inlays. The inlay offers the possibility to paint with the materials. The boiserie is as a large huge blank canvas you must be able to paint. These inlays are created with raw material to which a new life is given, reuse materials for which tones on tones are preferred so that the inlay exalts the veins.


The multilaminar wood veneer

The latest-generation multilaminar wood veneers are the fruit of an extreme optimisation of the raw material, inspired by the circularity and the limitation of the environmental impact of any process or recall in a very refined way the fabric.  Or Punto (design Clémence Plumelet presented at TABU’s IDEASxWOOD Contest), a multilaminar wood veneer inspired by the Italian heritage: the aesthetic aim is to incorporate the Italian secular exquisite technique of the straw mosaic in today’s industrial design.


City Vibes, multilaminar wood veneer winner of the IDEASxWOOD Contest

Multilaminar wood veneer winner of the Contest IdeasXwood, Professionals category, in which, squares and rectangles seem visually to alternate, according to designed dimensions and geometric proportions. A dynamic, fine and elegant pattern at the same time.


3 new decorations enrich the revolutionary collection presented at Salone 2019: SKEENS Tabu Boiserie embodies a new vision of the wood boiserie with a thickness that is almost zero, FSC® and A+ certified wood. Light pre-varnished wood sheets (natural dyed and multilaminar wood veneers) realized using a special system allows the customer to glue them directly on wall, doors, overlays and panels. TABU chooses only FSC® certified and sustainable wood species such as Bolivar, Eucalyptus, Ash, Larch, Walnut, Oak, Lime tree, wood species coming from Europe or North America.

TABU has been FSC® certified since 2003: is a ring of a “chain of custody” between FSC® certified subjects and a long list of wood species is available in the certification and guaranteed by an inside traceability system.





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