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Steab launches a series of specific accessories for the LED revolution

3 December 2021

The LED revolution in the lighting industry is generating a rapid and drastic technology shift towards it. Versatility, compactness and, not least, the reduced energy consumption of these light sources are forever transforming the landscape we have been used in the last decades. Like any other revolution, also this one brings consequences at all levels. We are facing the proliferation of shapes and finishes of lighting fixtures that are no longer dependent on obsolete standards and mindsets.

Even the basic components are affected by this change and in particular the extremely low power consumption levels of these light sources, lead to the reduction of the power supply voltages, the input currents involved and then then size of the cables.

Steab is therefore launching a series of specific accessories for this “new world”. Same functionality, same applications as the “Old Era” but very small dimensions. No doubt that these new components must continue to guarantee top-level technical performance. For that reason, they have been designed and developed with high degrees of finish and adapted to the new needs of this “New Era”.

Steab, in this way,  accompanies Customers toward this revolution.

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