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Sillux, a 36-years long trip

7 December 2022

The Italian company in Quarto d’Altino performs lighting design in the Contract world


Over the years, Sillux founder Giuseppe Saccon has created, with his own hands, many stylish and successful objects thanks to his innate passion for creating lamps. Following the doing belief, his hands have been “talking” for 36 years about materials and assemblies and with his precious collaborators in his workshop, expressing the everyday production ritual with strength and poetry.

Sillux, the dynamic company attentive to the needs of the higher demanding clients, product quality and new technologies, can fulfil complex architectural design in the increasingly challenging Contract world.

Collaborations with internationally famous interior designers and architects, therefore, allow the creation of every single object, as in the case of large installations, giving vigour and enthusiasm to every design creation. With an almost obsessive attention to the use of new technologies, design, and research of the most sophisticated materials, Sillux designs and shapes tailor-made solutions to illuminate any environment in the Contract context.

Reliability, creativity and – above all – experience made available to think, design and produce innovative, engaging, modern, architectural or classic, contemporary or traditional solutions and best enhance each project.

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