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SILEO Eurocluster: accelerating recovery and business transformation of lighting & furniture SMEs

28 November 2022

The newly EU-funded SILEO Eurocluster project is coordinated by the ELCA European Lighting Cluster Alliance, and gathers lighting and furniture clusters from Austria, France, Italy, Romania and Spain


COVID-19 has shown that resilience matters and laid bare the ‘resilience divide’ between small and large firms. SILEO Consortium will support the European Small and Medium-sized Enterprises – SMEs of lighting-furniture sector to recover fully from the crisis, become more resilient and better prepared for the digital and circular transition needs and challenges. SILEO Eurocluster project will help the European lighting & furniture SMEs to be pro-active actors of this transition.

SILEO Consortium aspires to capture all the digitalisation potential for the furniture and lighting SMEs with a concerted effort channelled through an open and inclusive ecosystem for innovation and technology business upgrading with accompanying business support measures including expert consultancy, business resilience building guidance, reinforced by direct financial voucher schemes and talent placement service to help companies attract talents.

The SILEO will provide the EU lighting & furniture SMEs with the following business support services:

  • International HackathonsSILEO Tech challenge – Hack Days to Drive Innovation in Lighting & Furniture” – hosting technology providers like DIHs, Competence Centres, Incubators, and tech-savvy companies showcasing products and solutions answering the needs and challenges of the lighting & furniture SMEs;
  • SILEO Business Digital Transformation Vouchers for lighting and furniture SMEs to support cross-sector collaboration between companies and digital technology providers/experts and facilitate SMEs in accessing the expert consulting for digitalisation, advanced technology exploring and business transformation. Open Call Application process will be launched in January 2023!
  • SILEO Advance Technology Uptake Vouchers for lighting and furniture SMEs to facilitate integration of new technologies into company production and service processes to support resilience, digital and green transformation. Open Call Application process will be launched in October 2023!
  • SILEO joint service for SMEs for attracting talents – “SILEO talent placement vouchers” supporting identification of best talents among young professionals.


For news update visit here and follow ELCA European Lighting Cluster Alliance on LinkedIn and Twitter


SILEO Consortium:

ELCA European Lighting Cluster Alliance – Project Coordinator

Cluster Lumière, France

CICAT Lighting Cluster, Spain

Rete di Imprese Luce in Veneto, Italy

Business Upper Austria

Transylvania Furniture Cluster, Romania

Cluster Legno, Arredo e Sistema Casa Fvg, Italy

SILEO Eurocluster project is co-funded by the Single Market Programme (SMP/COSME Pillar) of the European Union. Grant Agreement n° 101074564.


ELCA European Lighting Cluster Alliance

ELCA is the international Alliance aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of the European lighting sector in the smart and connected lighting, and deployment of energy-efficient and human-centric lighting solutions in the smart home, smart building, and smart city framework.

In particular, ELCA promotes international actions to strengthen cluster management excellence and facilitate exchanges, and strategic partnerships between clusters and specialised eco-systems across Europe. ELCA fosters the collaboration, networking and learning of cluster and business support organisations and their members towards the specialised and customised business support services provided and channelled to SMEs. ELCA is Coordinator and partner organisation in numerous international projects funded by the European Union.

In order to achieve stronger cluster excellence, ELCA’s objective is to share knowledge and good practice among companies, organizations, institutions and NGOs working with innovation, market and industry development. In particular, ELCA’s mission is to:

  • to strengthen the role of the lighting and smart building clusters in Europe and to raise the voice of their member companies, mainly SMEs;
  • to promote international actions to build up cluster management excellence and facilitate exchanges and strategic partnering between clusters and specialized eco-systems, both industrial and academic across Europe and beyond;
  • to foster the collaboration, networking, and co-learning of cluster organisations and their companies towards customized business support services and internationalization opportunities for SMEs.

ELCA network is composed of important lighting clusters:

–           Rete di Imprese Luce in Veneto (Italy)

–           Cluster Lumière (France)

–           CICAT Cluster de Iluminación (Spain)

–           GLV Groen Licht Vlaanderen (Belgium)

–           PZPO Polski Zwiazek Przemyslu Oswietleniowego (Poland)


Joining ELCA Alliance means to enter the professional network of operative innovation-oriented public-private partnership at international level specifically dedicated to the European lighting sector



ELCA European Lighting Cluster Alliance

Villa Ca’ Marcello, Via dei Marcello 13/11 35017 Levada di Piombino Dese (PD) Italy; Phone +39 049 9350457;;

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