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Seamless appearance for a villa nestled in the Mediterranean landscape

2 December 2022

Designed by architects Fabio Sgaramella and Daniela Petrone, Villa GF stands out through its modernity, seamlessness and the continuity between indoor and outdoor spaces. This was achieved by using Ideal Work®’s Rasico® and Nuvolato Architop® decorative concrete systems. 


Designed by architects Fabio Sgaramella and Daniela Petrone, Villa GF is nestled amongst chestnut woods on the slopes of Mount Volture in the vicinity of Melfi’s (PZ, Italy) historical centre.

Internal and external spaces are visually connected through large glass windows overlooking the panorama and seamless surfaces that blend different areas without interruptions. For such seamless effect, the architectural firm in charge of the project chose Ideal Work®, a company specialised in providing seamless surfaces with great aesthetic value.

Special care was given to the living area. This was conceived as a ‘magic lantern’, with a modern floating chandelier and large glass windows that let the daylight pour in whilst offering a complete view of the exterior. Positioning also plays an important role, as it favours the building’s energy saving and lighting attributes– the residence’s longitudinal axis almost perfectly points north and south, the night area faces west and the living one faces south.

Villa GF’s project research allowed the creation of a low environmental impact development – the building is NZEB certified and stands out for its reduced energy consumption through plants powered by photovoltaic panels. Lighting, heating, electric, photovoltaic and video surveillance systems are all home automated, which allows for more internal comfort and safety, a flexible energy administration based on the client’s needs and remote plant management and consumption monitoring.


Arch. Fabio Sgaramella, Arch. Daniela Petrone

Ph: Pierangelo Laterza


Ideal Work

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