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Puricelli Group: decorative surfaces for internal and external covering

17 September 2021

The importance of the exclusive integrated technologies


For more than 70 years, the Puricelli Group has represented Italian excellence of decorative surfaces for internal and external covering on the market. Passion, expertise, and the capacity of keeping up with the times are the distinctive features of a company that follows the inspiration of its founder even today.

Now at the head is the third generation of the family: Chief Executive Luigi Mario Ceruti Puricelli and Valentina Ceruti Puricelli, who have strengthened and updated the company, lightening management processes, investing in plants and speeding up the commercial push, going so far as to open a showroom and a warehouse in Shanghai. With the new management, the company began to talk more consciously about design, thanks to the collaboration with international designers and big brands, deepening the discussion on technology. These topics have allowed the company to carve out an important place among the trendsetters of the market. Puricelli Group has always placed the welfare of the final consumer and natural resources at the centre of its ecosystem. Therefore, over the years, the company has focused its efforts on the production of materials allowing people to feel safe: non-toxic, solid and esthetically pleasant.

The person is at the centre of the company philosophy. This choice affects the whole production process, the design and the characteristics of our products. Environmental responsibility comes as a result, in respect of the close connection between man and nature, with the main purpose of developing processes with the lowest possible environmental impact. The desire of creating sustainable products inspires the whole research activity, from the selection of raw materials, the production of resins, and it takes shape in the development of careful and conscious production processes. The products of the Puricelli Group are guaranteed to be phenol-free with zero formaldehyde emission, as well as antibacterial and non-toxic.

What differentiates the Puricelli Group are exclusive integrated technologies. It is one of the few producers that have plants (more than 70mln squared meters of laminated products spread over 5 establishments for a total of 17 production plants) to manage the whole production cycle of the laminate, starting directly from basic raw materials. It starts from an accurate selection of papers, the internal production of resins for the paper impregnation up to the realization of laminates and all other surfaces. Thanks to the coordinated research and development laboratory, the development centre of design and the specialized technical department, the Group can face any request from clients. From the research and development division, cutting-edge products were born, and then, in the last few years, these products have been put on the market by the Group; MOREMATT and MORMATT GHOST ultra-matt anti-fingerprint surface, MOREWOOD real wood surface, MIXIS patented laminate collection with metallic embossed and printed surface, to name a few.


The production process

Since 2007, the Puricelli Group has stopped using phenol as a raw material of its production process, instead of using thermosetting resins. The commitment to eliminate this dangerous raw material was a natural choice and it was the result of the fact that the safety of the workers and final users of a product has always been a priority. The laminates of the Puricelli Group, thus, do not contain substances that could be harmful to humans or the environment. They do not contain SVHC (Substance of Very High Concern) included in the candidate list of the REACH regulation or harmful substances in concentrations greater than 0.1% w/w, which means that the Puricelli Group does not need to issue safety data sheets attached to its products. The laminates of the Puricelli Group do not contain chlorine, halogenated compounds, phthalates, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. They do not contain any residues of heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury, lead or chrome. They are not subject to the CARB legislation. They are classified A+ in the VOC emission.


The Puricelli product system

Puricelli offers the market a constantly evolving product system, result of experience, research and development, and progress. Among them, the PURI-SYSTEM products, the full range of melamine surfaces, the ultra-matt anti-fingerprint MOREMATT-SYSTEM, real wood surface MOREWOOD-SYSTEM, metal surface MIXIS-SYSTEM, antibacterial surface A.BAC-SYSTEM, external covering N.EXT-SYSTEM, flooring selection STEP.BY-SYSTEM have been included. The Puricelli products have the following certifications: Imo Med (Naval), Certificate for Volatile Organic Compound (Class A+), Phenol free, CE (Construction).

On June 24, on behalf of Puricelli Group, OGS organized a Press conference to present the company to more than 35 media representatives. Medical, naval and hotel sectors, but also home furnishings and workspaces: in each of these sectors are applied Puricelli laminates. In addition to enhancing design and quality, the concept of a green vision to carry out specific interventions in the laminate production cycle to eliminate phenol from the resin. After a presentation by the CEO Luigi Mario Puricelli and by the Art Director José Manuel Ferrero of estudi{H}ac, the company offered the press an exclusive tour in the production unit to live a truly unique experience.



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