A specially calibrated light interprets the new LOUNGE 900 space as a place of hospitality, sharing and reflection, inaugurated inside the Museo del Novecento in Milan.
To illuminate the space, Davide Groppi has applied the grammar of our poetics, point, line, plane. Direct, indirect and diffused light.
The MOON, SAMPEI, ORIGINE, DOT lighting solutions contribute to the creation of an intimate atmosphere, offering visitors the opportunity to admire the important works of art present or to browse volumes and magazines in search of new, further suggestion for thought.
The exhibition journey of the modern art collections unfolds from the LOUNGE 900 to the “Gesti e processi” Gallery (Gestures and processes) overlooking Piazza del Duomo, reopened to the public following the new layout and dedicated to the last decades of the century, from the sixties to the nineties.
Project by Elle Decor Italia and in collaboration with Dexelance.
Museo del Novecento _ LOUNGE 900 Palazzo dell’Arengario
Piazza del Duomo 8
20123 Milan