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Mini components: what is the news?

23 November 2022

Steab launches a series of specific accessories for the new miniaturized world of light


The advent of the LED revolution in the lighting sector has generated a rapid and drastic shift toward this technology. Versatility, compactness and, last but not least, the reduced energy consumption of these light sources has forever transformed the landscape we have been used to for decades. As per every revolution, also this one has consequences at all levels: we are witnessing the proliferation of shapes and finishes of lighting apparatuses now free from out-of-date canons and stereotypes, and basic components do not escape this change.

In particular, this is due to the low consumption of the LED sources, leading to the reduction in dimensions of the cable sections, supply voltages and the currents involved.

Therefore, Steab launches a series of specific accessories for this “new world”, with similar features and applications but in very small size. In the awareness that they must continue to guarantee top-level technical performance, they have designed and developed components with high finishing degrees and thus adapted to the new needs of this “New Era”.  And Steab accompanies customers in this revolution.


Paguro connectors, the flagship

Electrically connecting two or more conductors, of whatever nature they are; high, medium, low or very low power is a very common and basic thing for every type of system. If by nature, the connections have to last over time and guarantee perfect operation also in hostile environments and conditions, they require reliable protections.

The IP68 connectors of the Paguro series are the real and only answer to this problem. Studied, designed, produced and certified in compliance with the most stringent applicable standards, they guarantee total isolation from atmospheric agents for years. Furthermore, Steab offers a new series of such connectors called QuickPaguro, eliminating the assembly equipment to allow quick and easy assembly without compromising the granted reliability.



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