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Martinelli Luce partner of Milan Triennale for the exhibition “Gae Aulenti (1927 – 2012)”

29 October 2024

Until 12th January 2025 Triennale Milano is hosting “Gae Aulenti (1927-2012)”, the first major monographic exhibition dedicated to one of the most influential protagonists of Italian and international architecture and design of the second half of the 20th century and early 2000s.

Martinelli Luce has always been attentive to initiatives aimed at the knowledge and in-depth study of Italian design, in particular of that historical moment that saw it impose itself also on the international scene and that the company experienced at the dawn of its foundation more than seventy years ago. It was precisely in the 1960s and 1970s that a number of lamps, still present in the Martinelli Luce catalogue, became true icons not only for the company but for the world of design tout court, such as Pipistrello and Ruspa, designed by Gae Aulenti in 1965 and 1968 respectively.

“My direct collaboration with architect Gae Aulenti allowed me to deepen my knowledge of her, and my constant frequentation of her, which continued from the 1960s until her death, represented an important moment of growth for me, also culturally. Therefore, as soon as I heard about the initiative that Triennale Milano was promoting – the ‘Gae Aulenti 1927-2012’ exhibition – as Martinelli Luce we immediately joined it, not only by providing the lamps presented, but also as a partner of the event”. Emiliana Martinelli, President Martinelli Luce


Martinelli Luce

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