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Interview with Mr Marek Orłowski: Poland will be one of the largest market in Europe in the coming years

2 May 2024

President of the Polish Association of Lighting Industry, and organizer of the International Trade Show LIGHT in Warsaw


Q: We see an economic slowdown on the European market. How this will have impact on the Trade Show LIGHT in Warsaw, Poland.

M.O: Although International Trade Show Light is the biggest lighting event in Eastern Europe organised constantly within the last 30 years, the market situation has a major impact on its position. For that reason, we look optimistically to the 32nd International Trade Show LIGHT 2025. The European Commission decided recently to unblock funds from the National Reconstruction Plan for Poland and Cohesion Fund. European Commission had issued, in the end of February, a declaration that unblocks 137 billion EUROs. The decision concerns funds for 2021-2027. Thanks to these founds, new investments will be made and economic growth will accelerate. Poland will be the largest market in Europe in the coming years.


Q: These are really very big funds, but whether this has influence on lighting market in Poland?

M.O.: New investments also mean an increase in demand for lighting solutions, for outdoor and indoor LED lighting. It’s worth mentioning that these investments include modernizations of street lighting, lighting for schools, hospitals and all other public buildings. A lot has to be done in the field of reducing the consumption of energy. Changing old lighting equipment into modern LED solutions seems obvious.


Q: Tell us more about the next edition of the Trade Show LIGHT in Warsaw, when it is going to be organised and what Italian exhibitors and visitors can expect taking part in it?

M.O.: The 32nd edition of International Trade Show LIGHT will be held on March 12th-14th, 2025 in Warsaw. On the space of around 10 000 sq. m., over 300 exhibitors from Poland and abroad will present their products and solutions and over 6 000 visitors, not only from Poland, will arrive to have F2F contact with them. The specificity of the Trade Show LIGHT in Warsaw is its focus on both show and training. During Trade Show LIGHT are organized workshops, conferences and trainings for producers and distributors, designers, architects, supervisions inspectors, works managers, installers and representatives of local governments. The program of all these meetings covers not only the lighting topics because parallel to Trade Show LIGHT is organized the International Trade Show ELECTRICITY. Next year will be the 22nd edition of the Trade Show ELECTRICITY. We are sure that LIGHT 2025 is going to be a very successful event and we encourage Italian companies to take part in the Fair in Warsaw in 2025, especially when they look for selling their products to new customers. Additionally, current global political situation shows, that cooperation between European manufacturers is not only possible but even necessary. This cooperation and collaboration are possible in the different fields of lighting industry. I’m inviting Italian companies to visit our website.

It’s really worth doing this and see you all at LIGHT 2025 in Warsaw, Poland.

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