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Giada System: illuminate, manage, simplify

24 April 2023

The light management system by Cobofra Group is the ideal partner for lighting design not only in the retail and residential sectors but also for museums and contemporary exhibition halls


Today, Museums are structured to host temporary exhibitions or individual, prestigious works on loan, thus giving a redefinition of the exhibition spaces and, consequently, of the lighting system. In recent years, museums have relied on lighting professionals, having understood that correct lighting is also “healthy” for the works. The figure of the lighting designer is becoming essential and relevant to create a beautiful and accurate display. In addition to the choice of luminaires, optics and colour temperatures, the professional relies on source management protocols. And here comes Giada System, part of the Cobofra Group, one of the major producers of electric cables and wired electronics.

It becomes simple for the lighting designer to operate with the Giada System App: once installed on the smartphone or smartwatch, thanks to its highly intuitive interface, it will be possible to manage the first configuration steps. When started, the App will search for the Giada System modules prepared on the sources and will connect by creating a closed and complete network by points. A manageable point/point network allows the designer to create proper lighting around each work, respecting the colours and materials. The functionalities of the Giada System include various operational choices.

It is possible to select and adjust each luminaire on the homepage, outlining lighting scenes adaptable to different display and spatial needs. After installing the luminaires, pointing them, and configuring the system developed by the Cobofra Group, the first step will be to name the lights, customise the various lighting fixtures or lines of light, and identify the sequences to manage and command. With a few gestures, it is possible to associate a luminous scene with a series of luminaires, creating a group within the museum dedicated to a definite period or a theme developed by the artist. Thanks to an intuitive and effective chromatic crown, it is possible to generate different gradations and nuances of colour for the luminaires involved and – depending on the works on display – it is possible to enhance or tone down a tone. By rotating the thumb on the coloured ring, we can associate a colour, including white, with each luminaire or defined group.

The second adjustment – more delicate and functional – is the colour temperature of the white LED light management. By tuning the slider, it is possible to switch from a cold white to a warmer, almost yellow one (2200K). This adjustment is the fundamental part of the designer’s work allowing him – thanks to the sensitivity and the precision of the Giada System – to make the best choices allowing a correct reading of the colours and materials used by the artist.

For example, in a marble sculpture, where light is a fundamental element for discovering all details: punctual lighting is essential, and the adjustment precision of the Giada System App makes it possible to obtain it. This regulation, if well-designed, also allows and facilitates the definition of the mood in the various exhibition halls. Relevant aspects linked to the simplicity of use are the possibility of corrections or adjustments of the individual scenes and quick restoration of the initial conditions at the end of the exhibition. For ambient light management, the sources can be dimmed from 0 to 100%, creating evocative and engaging scenarios for the public, able to describe the works better than a hundred words. Thanks to the excellent intuitiveness of adjustments, Giada System becomes the ideal partner for lighting design, museums, and contemporary exhibition halls.

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