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Gewiss is now a historical brand of national interest

4 April 2022

The Italian Ministry of Economic Development assigns the precious recognition to GEWISS, granting further prestige to a brand that has been a symbol of Made in Italy for over 50 years


The Italian Patent and Trademark Office, a body of the MISE (the Italian Ministry of Economic Development) which regulates the granting of industrial property rights obtainable through patenting and registration, has recently granted the request of registration for the GEWISS trademark in the Special Register of Historical Trademarks of National Interest.

The Historical Trademark is a recognition established by Art. 31 of the L.D. 30 April 2019 n. 34, according to which, as shown on the MISE website, “… exclusive owners or licensees of registered trademarks for at least fifty years or for which it has been possible to demonstrate continuous use for at least 50 years, used for the marketing of products or services made in a national production company of excellence historically linked to the national territory, may obtain the registration of the mark in the Register of Historical Marks of national interest established at the Italian Patent and Trademark Office“.

Specifically, the recognition was obtained by GEWISS thanks to the collection of photographic, communicative and commercial material, which documented the continuous use of the brand and the growing development of the company structure and product offer.

The assignment of the Historic Mark is for GEWISS a further, important milestone, which testifies to an extraordinary entrepreneurial history and over fifty years of growth among the protagonists of “Made in Italy”, at the forefront of innovation and constant research of new solutions to improve safety and quality of life.

Founded in 1970 on the revolutionary intuition in the use of technopolymer in electrical systems, GEWISS is now the most important company in the electrotechnical sector with Italian capital. Guided by the values of integrity, a culture of excellence and sustainability, the company constitutes a Group that has over 1,600 employees, industrial sites and commercial branches in 16 countries and agencies and distributors in more than 100 countries around the world.


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