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FAI is a trendsetter in the Home Design world with its play of lights

19 January 2023

Enhancing the value of a home is pure art. Sometimes it is enough to find a wise equilibrium of light and dark colours to give the perception of a broadening horizon of the internal spaces. But if the wish is to provide our home with a proper concept, here it comes light and thousands of its refractions telling a story made of atmospheres, romantic or theatrical, but still indicative of a unique personality.

All this considered, hasn’t anyone ever given up the artificial lights to enjoy the spectacle of the morning rays of light that draw pictures on the walls? To reproduce the magic of these light beams, FAI focused on a recent times trend: plaster spotlights. Versatile, aesthetically appreciated, and conveniently performant, these devices will transform your internal and external spaces thanks to their great class and minimalistic style.

Their advantages are multiple. First of all, the plaster structure. A flexible and easily mouldable material for any domestic form and use. In this regard, FAI offers a wide range of models: from oval shapes to square ones, from double emission lights to recessed spotlights, for limitless versatility. Further particular featuring them is the possibility of being painted to satisfy even the most challenging and extravagant tastes.

But, of course, the versatility of this trend has more surprises in store for users. Do not forget its convenience: thanks to the low cost of plaster and the use of LED lights, which guarantee excellent energy efficiency, plaster spotlights are suitable for everyone.

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