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Fael LUCE’s news

22 April 2024

Fael LUCE Spa offers a range of over 30 products developed for the lighting of large areas, sports facilities, ports and airports, industrial sites, areas of architectural interest, urban and extra-urban roads, and tunnels. In this document, we want to focus on the latest news offered by the company: DEA collection and ELECTRA series.


DEA Collection

Large cities, open spaces, and green areas, to be fully lived and appreciated in total safety, need a greatly: light. The DEA collection, an acronym for Design, Efficiency, and Reliability, is specifically designed for urban lighting. DEA collection combines architectural and aesthetic needs with the more concrete demands of Public Administration, safeguarding the environment through energy-saving plans and management costs. At the same time, it improves the quality of life of citizens, increasing the safety and livability of urban areas.

The circle is the starting point of geometric perfection, and it is what inspired Fael LUCE Spa in the development of the devices included in the DEA collection, available in the STREET version (pole head or lateral arm for poles), PLAZA (equipped with an adjustable wall mount), FLY (for suspended installation on cable), and PARK (the high-efficiency solution ideal for parks, cycle paths, parking lots, wide avenues, and narrow alleys).


Electra Series

Proper street lighting must ensure maximum visual quality, safety, and energy efficiency to meet the needs of road users, but also allow concrete savings for municipalities. The Electra series, available in three different sizes, combines the use of innovative technologies with aesthetics, providing a high-performance product with a contemporary shape, with technical and optical features that place it at the highest levels of efficiency.

The Electra and DEA solutions are characterized by a smooth surface and rounded lines, the AION painting system, which ensures durability even for installations in harsh environmental conditions, SAFE-WAY, SAFE-PARK, SAFE-CENTER WAY optics, for optimal visual comfort, and the WISE SOLUTIONS range, for connectivity based on a multi-level complexity architecture. The Electra series also features the INFINITY system for optical protection through an extra-clear tempered glass screen.



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