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DL PNRR/BIGATTI (ASSIL): the transition plan 5.0 will be fundamental for the relaunch of Italian industry

2 May 2024

Lighting companies will be at the forefront


We welcome the approval by the Council of Ministers of the PNRR Decree-Law which, thanks to the enhancement of Plan 5.0 from REPowerEU resources, frees up €6.3 billion for energy efficiency initiatives linked to digital investments for production plants for the two years 2024-2025” – underlines Aldo Bigatti, President of ASSIL, the National Association of Lighting Manufacturers, which brings together about 90 companies representing a sector with a total turnover of about 2.8 billion.

Where the Transition Plan 4.0 has represented an industrial policy measure par excellence, appreciated by the entire industrial sector, Transition 5.0, a renewed and enhanced version, will be a fundamental tool for the relaunch of investments and the development of the Italian industrial supply chain” – continues Bigatti. “In particular, anchoring investments in digitalization to the green component is a fundamental step, long desired by ASSIL. Lighting companies will be at the forefront on two fronts: the purchase of subsidized goods – to maintain the excellence of production – and their supply. Now, we have to wait for the grounding of the implementing rules of the Plan, hoping for an ever-greater adoption and knowledge of the use of lighting systems that see industry as the main actor in the environmental transition. In addition, using LED sources with advanced control systems would allow the same companies a significant economic return and an increase in the efficiency and well-being of their workers“.


ASSIL – National Association of Lighting Manufacturers, federated with ANIE Confindustria, brings together about 90 manufacturers of luminaires, electrical components for lighting, light sources and LEDs, among the most representative companies operating in the Italian lighting market. ASSIL companies, with a global turnover of about Euro 2.8 billion, account for more than 65% of the total Italian turnover in the sector and employ over 8,700 people. The Association’s mission is to represent, protect and support its member companies to promote the growth of a quality industry based on innovation and internationalization.

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