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Consortium Luce in Veneto presents the ELIV system and the new services 2021/22

25 March 2021

The event, dedicated to the presentation of the new connectivity system ELIV, took place online, live on the YouTube page of the Network, and saw the participation of about 50 associated companies, companies in the lighting sector, architects and professionals in the sector.

During the live presentation, the potential of ELIV technology was presented, which allows total control of the lighting fixtures via Wi-Fi through three different modes: voice, app or button. The user can manage the light as he/she prefers at any time, easily switching from one mode to another. The system is always synchronized and ready for use, whatever the type of command chosen. The technology is compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant devices, so you can turn on, turn off or adjust the lights in the various environments without necessarily using buttons or the app. With a simple voice command such as: “Alexa, turn on spotlights in the kitchen”, “Hey Google, turn on the light” you can adjust the lights comfortably from the sofa.

Specifically, Luce in Veneto provides its associates with a family of dimmers which, integrated into the lamp or installed separately, ensure total control of any type of lighting scenario. The main objective is to support network companies, integrating the ELIV system with their products, to promote a common step of the group towards the increasingly consolidated world of the IoT: a rapidly growing market, especially in the domestic sector, in which lighting fixtures are increasingly integrated. The presentation ended with the projection of a demo on the use of the system inside the offices of the new Luce in Veneto headquarters where various dimmers have been installed which, synchronized with the Amazon Alexa app, allow the creation of various operating routines that using a voice command such as “Alexa, let’s start the day” or “Alexa, goodnight” turn on or off certain lights in the office. To find out more about the system such as features, operating information and configuration support, visit here.

After the YouTube live, the meeting continued with the network companies for a technical study on the system and the presentation of the programming of the services that Luce in Veneto intends to activate in the period 2021/2022. The services were implemented following the analysis of the results that emerged from the satisfaction questionnaire submitted to the companies at the beginning of the year to have a complete picture of their needs and preferences. Among the services offered, those in favor of research, development and internationalization certainly prevail, with the proposal of new strategies for accessing both B2B and B2C markets. Luce in Veneto also wants to give continuity to the training courses carried out in 2020, also with specific webinars, deepening various issues such as: certifications, customs regulations, marketing and web marketing, sustainability, eco-design, etc. of which the network will communicate as soon as official dates will be agreed.

We thank all the participants in the event and the Executive Committee for their support the event was very interesting, we received a lot of positive feedback, we will now work to fine-tune the various services offered and we remain available for any further information on the new ELIV system concludes the President of Luce in Veneto, Ing. Alberto Sozza.

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