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Carlo Giobbi apre le porte alla “Seconda Generazione” di Sicam

22 November 2023

“It is time to open the doors to the second generation of SICAM to my children Carolina and Michele, and involve them in an even stronger and more direct way in the management of this beautiful fair which, thanks to the exhibitors and visitors who choose us every year, has become a consolidated point of reference in the international calendar of exhibitions”.

With these words Carlo Giobbifounder of SICAM, the international exhibition of components, accessories and semi-finished products for the furniture industry – announced that he wanted to give continuity and further impetus to the event by involving Carolina and Michele Giobbi in an even stronger and more direct way, always alongside his father in this endeavor. The news – communicated to the numerous journalists present at the opening press conference of SICAM 2023, which took place from 17 to 20 October – was greeted with long and moving applause.

Carlo Giobbi immediately wanted to clarify that this is certainly not a handover, but the dutiful recognition of the work done by his children in recent years and an incitement to continue a highly successful path in a time that requires fair organizers to be up to date with the transformations underway.

“We must look to the future, demonstrating that we have the will and energy to enrich our position as an effective meeting point between people with new content,” concluded Giobbi. “The vision, skills and experience of Carolina and Michele will allow us, I am sure, to continue to represent a quality experience and a concrete business opportunity for the world of furniture supplies”.

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