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Breaking new ground: GRASS is using 2023 to strengthen its customer relationship

11 September 2023

This year, the Group specialised in movement systems has chosen to adopt new distribution channels


GRASS targeted its customers to enhance the new customer centre in Hohenems to present its full potential. A tangible sign that aims to abandon the usual paths and also to dare new developments on a commercial level. From this point of view, the continuation of the collaboration with Simone Micheli this time thanks to the creation of a special Installation within the framework offered by Free.Dom design c/o INTERNI DESIGN RE-EVOLUTION during the Milan design week.


First Step: The Experience Centre in Hohenems

In autumn 2021, the company opened its new headquarters, with the largest investment in its history. This includes not only a state-of-the-art logistics centre with new administrative space, but also an Experience Centre, which is spread over more than 500 square metres on two floors.

For us, this centre represents a huge step forward,” said Andreas Marosch, Head of Marketing at GRASS. “We have created a place where we can present our products in an optimal way. We set ourselves the goal of experimenting with new formats, trying out alternative distribution channels, making the best use of the customer centre, to be as innovative in customer contact as GRASS is in new product development“.


New distribution channels

Innovate the distribution channels and customer touchpoints that are more targeted for the company, through courageous decisions… “Two factors have converged: during the Coronavirus pandemic we have seen that we can connect with our customers and with new players even beyond the limited period of the fair: in this way, it is often possible to converse in more detail“, explains Andreas Marosch. “The second point, of course, is the Experience Centre. If we have such a modern and architecturally beautiful presentation opportunity, why shouldn’t we take advantage of it?”

The 2023 has been the year when GRASS decided to adopt new distribution channels, further strengthened by the recent arrival of Ralf Priefer as the new sales manager for Germany and France. About the future “it will be decided quietly once we have drawn the first conclusions from our new paths”.


The collaboration with SIMONE MICHELI during the Milan Design Week

The roots of FREE.DOM sink into a ground that has been repeatedly explored: it wanted to be a real manifesto whose message, in short, is that only those who really want to get out of stereotyped paths, from system crises, from situations of content stalemate, from platitudes and from conservatism, can do it! Others, despite having the ability to fly, free themselves and evolve, prefer to remain in static waiting. Anyone who knows Simone Micheli knows of his ability to always be a strong promoter of his own ideas and to involve companies in his design process that, thanks to his work, experience new interpretative possibilities.

For the occasion, the V8 Slim Drawer System by GRASS was the element around which Simone Micheli designed and created a custom-made rounded shape Yellow Plexiglass and metal frame unit chest with Vionario V8 drawer. A minimalist design drawer just 8 millimetres thick that dispenses with anything superfluous. The V8 offers not only a timeless aesthetic, but above all an exceptional movement design, innovative and sustainably coated surfaces, maximum storage space, minimum complexity of the parts and use of recyclable materials.


GRASS V8 Slim Drawer System

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