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ASSIL and Politecnico di Milano: a 24 billion lever from the PNRR for the lighting sector

5 September 2022

The results of the research commissioned by ASSIL in collaboration with ASSOLUCE to Energy & Strategy at the Politecnico di Milano show a positive impact of the lighting supply chain on the economy, well-being and environment

Aldo Bigatti, ASSIL President: “A scenario that spurs us to a leading role in the game of innovation, sustainability and energy efficiency”


Revenues of 24 billion euros for the whole lighting supply chain in Italy are the impact of investments that the lighting sector can discharge to the ground thanks to the Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) in the five years 2021-2025. This is the picture that emerges from the research “Il PNRR e l’impatto economico, sociale e ambientale delle soluzioni tecnologiche evolute di illuminazione” (PNRR and the economic, social and environmental impact of the advanced technological lighting solutions) that ASSIL Associazione Nazionale Produttori Illuminazione (National Association of Lighting Manufacturers) has commissioned to Energy & Strategy at the Politecnico di Milano, presented on Tuesday 14 June in the Assolombarda Auditorium.


Indoor lighting and public outdoor lighting: the scenarios

The research outlines the scenarios that Smart Lighting solutions and Smart Street Services can generate; not only for the national economy but also for the employment, comfort and well-being of those who live or work in private/public buildings and in the environment with an estimated reduction of about one million tons of CO2. Residential structures, hotels, offices, hospitals, schools, museums, stations, industry, and public lighting are the areas where Energy & Strategy has applied three different parameters to outline as many types of scenarios.

The Prudential Scenario starts from the expected investments in the market, a restructuring rate of 0.8% for private construction and PA’s reduced propensity to spend.

Accelerated Scenario, a propensity to work in indoor lighting around 16% per year, in line with the last six years; outside the PNIEC targets, but showing an increase in restructuring rates in the service sector going from 0,8% to 2.4% and in public an annual growth of expected investments of about 9.8%.

And finally, the Ultrafast Scenario reaches the regulatory targets with a renovation rate of 4% for tertiary buildings and a significant part of the PNRR resources producing an increase of 15% compared to the Accelerated Scenario. Finally, this third scenario involves investments for outdoor lighting equal to one percentage point higher than the base scenario.


Economic, employment and environmental impacts

Energy & Strategy estimates that the total revenues for the lighting supply chain for the five years 2021-2025, both indoor and outdoor, could be between 22.7 and 25.4 billion euros. In the scenario considered most likely, the accelerated one, the cumulative revenues of the five years amount to about 24 billion. Starting from 2021, based on the increase in expected volumes, an increase in employees employed in the supply chain is expected and the creation of about 5/6,000 new job places is expected in the five years of reference. Overall taxation will also benefit, with VAT and IRES revenues of between 5.3 and 5.9 billion. In the most likely considered scenario, the total revenue for the State of about 5.6 billion, with an increase of 30%. The investments envisaged by each of the three scenarios will allow a reduction in emissions between 930,000 and 1,020,000 tons/year of CO2, about 1.5% of the emission cut that Italy has set itself as a target with the “Fit for 55” package.

“The research” – explained ASSIL President, Aldo Bigatti – “which was closed before February 24, when the Russian attack on Ukraine began, offers a picture that we still consider encouraging. And that could even reserve surprises in the same considered five-year period, with growth rates of 20 per cent for indoor lighting and more than 70 per cent for public outdoor lighting. A scenario that spurs ASSIL to a leading role in the game of innovation, sustainability and energy efficiency; therefore, in implementing the PNRR.”


ANIE Federation represents the National Electrotechnical and Electronics Industry, the second-largest manufacturing industry in Europe (with 76 billion euros in turnover in 2020), over 500,000 employees and expenditure on research and development between 5% and 10% of its annual turnover).

ASSIL Associazione Nazionale Produttori Illuminazione, ANIE Confindustria federated, brings together companies producing luminaires, electrical components for lighting, light sources and LEDs, operating on the Italian market. The Mission of the Association is to represent, protect and support Member Companies to promote the growth of quality industry, based on innovation and internationalization. Through training and technical dissemination activities, assistance and advice on the legislation and legislation that regulate the sector, ASSIL creates and promotes a culturally advanced ecosystem for an associative base of companies and professionals prepared first of all in terms of knowledge, to support the qualitative and performance improvement of products placed on the market and support the internationalization processes of companies. With a global turnover of the associated companies of about € 2.6 billion and over 9,000 employees, it represents over 65% of the total turnover of the Italian lighting sector.


Conference opening

Moderator: Andrea Cabrini – Class CNBC Director

Welcome Greetings

  • Pierfabio Garavaglia – Piccola Industria Assolombarda Vice President and Design and Furniture Group Vice President


  • Aldo Bigatti – ASSIL President
  • Filippo Girardi – ANIE President

Study Report

Matteo Bagnacavalli – Politecnico di Milano

Technical-Design Round Table

  • Roberto Barbieri – Assil Counselor
  • Laura Bellia – University Lecturer and Lighting Designer
  • Alfonso Femia – Architect and University Professor
  • Cinzia Ferrara – Architect and Lighting Designer
  • Gian Paolo Roscio – AIDI President

Economical-Political Round Table

  • Carlo Comandini –ASSIL Vice President
  • Gian Franco Librandi – Entrepreneur and Chamber of Deputies Member
  • Manuela Rontini – Political-Economical Commission President and Emilia-Romagna Region Councelor
  • Gian Marco Senna – Political-Economical Commission President and Lombardy Region Councelor
  • Carlo Urbinati – ASSOLUCE President
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