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Alluminia, more than 30 years in the production of aluminium furniture components

14 October 2024

Thanks to more than 30 years of experience, Alluminia represents Italian excellence in the processing and production of aluminium components in indoor, outdoor and contract furniture.

Alluminia can offer its customers from the design concept to the finished product, following every stage of completion for any project, allowing the customer to verify the production and management of the product anytime. The design office interprets the customer’s needs and develops any concept for the product’s customization. Strengthened by its technical support and ability to design, Alluminia is a point of reference for companies and designers who think of aluminium and metals in general as a source of inspiration for its use as materials to be chosen and used.

Alluminia’s goal is to stand out in the furniture production sector as a flexible, dynamic, professional company capable of fully satisfying the demands of its customers.


The production process

Always attentive to innovation and customer needs, Alluminia has kept equipping itself with the latest generation machinery, guaranteeing accurate processing with decimal precision. All machines meet Industry 4.0 standards while allowing technological information development to monitor all phases of product progress in real time. A warehouse dedicated to raw materials and finished products enables it to respond promptly to the tight deadlines that the market strategically requires. Several preparatory cleaning treatments are available for final finishes, oxidation, epoxy, and liquid painting. A large area is dedicated to the finished product assembly and preparation to ensure quick and binding deliveries throughout Italy.

The continuous search for improvement and technological development has allowed Alluminia to develop dynamism, flexibility, and the ability to rework what it produces by creating new items.



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