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A Chat with Marcello Ballardini

13 June 2023

Functional Art: Luminous Creations in Fiberglass


A chat with Marcello Ballardini, creating Art-Design Luminous Solutions in Fiberglass since 2005. From his experience in Australia, he drew interesting ethical insights, discovering how human well-being is wholly in connection with the harmony of the universe. He explains:

“Life is vibration. Pure frequencies set human beings in contact with the universe. Pure well-being, primitive and immortal. I have always thought that art can be found in everything surrounding us, starting with nature. Behind my creations, there is an identity, a thought, an idea: “psychophysical well-being through the light of art”. It is the rational, useful, reasoned part of the work, which always makes it have a double use. And so, it all started with the Didj-Stars. I wanted to give something of my own to the didjeridoo, which has given me a better life. I thought I would bring it into the future through light, transforming it into an Art design lamp. Approaching an instrument that has 40,000 years of history through a piece of furniture puts us in a state of greater comfort, for the use of the instrument itself and for the artistic meaning of the lamp. Subsequently, playing with the colours and the fluidity of the resin, I felt the need to paint on flat surfaces, where the colour and lines respond differently to the curved surface of the Didj-Stars.

Thus, the Wall-Star backlit painting was born. The intent was to recreate that unique atmosphere that lies behind the most exciting moment of the day: the sunset. Then be able, through the colours, to find the right light intensity and listen to the needs of those who use it. Joy and well-being begin inside our homes or in the environments we live in the most during the day. Let us imagine we are having dinner with friends in front of a lighted table, or an aperitif by the pool sitting on an illuminated stool, or in the garden on an artistically coloured lighted bench, or turning on the light of a sliding door which becomes a breath-taking picture. The Elements of Light, Colour and Vibration are the main ingredients of my Fiberglass Luminous Creations. For about 20 years, I have been dedicating my life to this project that combines my art with fabulous experiences through the search for well-being …

Shades of colour range from orange to purple, light blue to the most intense blue. Moments that give an immediate feeling of well-being; a colour therapy one wishes would never end … This is my inspiration of light, recreating this environment, this surreal sensation, a chromotherapy given by the reflection of the colours of a bright picture or a musical lamp”.

A light for moments of relaxation, intimacy, joy, to be shared with friends, without haste …


Marcello Ballardini

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