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Commitment to research to improve bending machines

22 May 2021

CLOMEA’s strength point to offer innovative solutions


The year 2020 was for everyone an “annus horribilis” and the situation experienced last year is unfortunately ongoing. Despite the difficulties, CLOMEA has continued to work and to progress in its path, persuaded that the growth of a company is linked to research, development and innovation. Based on these premises, over the last year, the new numerical controls for the management of bending machines have been developed and implemented, renewed and uniformed in appearance, improved in technical characteristics and enriched with new functions that help the operators.

The new controls, the top of the range Windows-based and the others Linux-based, are all equipped with the latest generation touch screen and wireless connection and allow the user to be assisted remotely by Clomea’s technical staff via remote assistance. They mark undoubted progress and, alongside an expansion of functionality, combine further simplification and improved intuitiveness in use, with even greater effectiveness and precision in the result than the previous ones. One of the improved and streamlined aspects is the elimination of the separate console for managing the heaters used in the bending of plastic profiles and metal profiles with thermal break: with the new controls, everything has been integrated inside them and the operator manages all the processes from a single control point. As already mentioned, however, the most innovative aspects concern the characteristics related to the software and the possibilities it offers: another important innovation, for example, is the subdivision by type of material to be bent (aluminium, steel, iron and plastic materials) with the possibility of entering and filing the characteristics of the material itself, to make the manufacturing process even more precise and adapted to the material.

Parallel to the development and renewal of numerical controls, even the external appearance of the machines has been subjected to some slight modifications, aimed at improving their versatility and functionality: an example is the redesign of the upper part, to make all the machines, already from the moment of their production, prepared for all optional accessories. Development and innovation were not limited to the general technological-managerial aspect and functional improvement of the external part that concerns and involves all our machines: 2 new “pyramidal” machine models (with the central roller that “moves down” and curves the material) have found completion and realization in the last year, and the prospect is soon to complete the range with a machine with power characteristics and shaft dimensions intermediate between these first two.

The largest and most powerful machine has been working for a few months in the customer’s plants for which it was made, with excellent results; the second machine was one of the novelties presented last October at the BIMU fair in Milan. These machines have been developed for the needs of users of large and medium-sized metal profiles and their fundamental characteristic is the possibility of adjusting the distance between the fixed shafts in 5 different positions, to better adapt to the structure of the profiles to be work and reduce any type of deformation to a minimum. The commitment to research, improvement, progress and innovation remains for CLOMEA a strength and an objective at the same time, to keep offering their customers innovative solutions.



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